Changing the system clock with pexpect confuses pexpect!
Saqib Ali
saqib.ali.75 at
Mon Dec 26 03:03:57 EST 2011
See my code below.
I'm controlling a shell logged in as root with pexpect.
The class below has a method (startProc) which spawns a shell and
keeps it alive until told to destroy it (stopProc).
The other 2 methods in this class allow me to change the system clock
and to get the IP Address of this machine.
They all work fine.... except when I advance the system clock, and
then try to get the IP Address.
In that case, I get an exception because pexpect incorrectly thinks
the output it is getting from ifconfig is invalid. But it is not.
Pexpect is just confused. This doesn't happen when I move the clock
backwards. It only happens when I move the clock forward.
I believe what is going on is that internally pexpect uses the system
clock to keep track of when it receives data from spawned processes.
When I mess with the clock, that messes up the internal workings of
Any suggestions what I should do? I have numerous concurrent pexpect
processes running when I modify the clock. Is there anyway to prevent
them all from getting totally screwed up??
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pexpect, os, time, datetime, re
def reportPrint(string):
print string
def reportAssert(condition, string)
if condition == False:
print string
raise Exception
class rootManager:
rootProc = None
rootPrompt = "] % "
myPrompt = "] % "
def __init__(self):
def startProc(self):
if self.rootProc != None:
reportPrint("\t\t- Root Process is already created")
self.rootProc = pexpect.spawn ('/bin/tcsh',)
i = self.rootProc.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT,
reportAssert(i != 0, "Time-Out.... exiting")
reportPrint("\t\t- Sending su")
i = self.rootProc.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT, "Password: ",])
reportAssert(i != 0, "Time-Out.... exiting")
reportPrint("\t\t- Sending Password")
i = self.rootProc.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT,
reportAssert(i != 0, "Time-Out.... exiting")
reportPrint("\t\t- Root Process created")
def getIPAddr(self):
reportAssert(self.rootProc != None, "No active Root Process!")
reportPrint("\t\t- Sending ifconfig -a")
self.rootProc.sendline("ifconfig -a")
i = self.rootProc.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT, self.rootPrompt,])
reportAssert(i != 0, "Time-Out.... exiting")
outputTxt = self.rootProc.before
ipList = [i for i in re.compile("(?<=inet )\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.
\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}").findall(outputTxt) if i != ""]
reportAssert(len(ipList) == 1, "Cannot determine IP Address
from 'ifconfig -a': \n%s" % outputTxt)
return ipList[0]
def changeClock(self, secondsDelta):
reportAssert(self.rootProc != None, "No active Root Process!")
newTime = +
dateStr = "%02d%02d%02d%02d%s" % (newTime.month,,
newTime.hour, newTime.minute, str(newTime.year)[-2:])
reportPrint("\t\t- Sending 'date %s' command" % dateStr)
self.rootProc.sendline("date %s" % dateStr)
#Remember, by changing the clock, you are confusing pexpect's
timeout measurement!
# so ignore timeouts in this case
i = self.rootProc.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT,
def stopProc(self):
if self.rootProc == None:
reportPrint("\t\t- Root Process is already destroyed")
reportPrint("\t\t- Sending exit command")
i = rootProc.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT, self.myPrompt])
reportAssert(i != 0, "Time-Out.... exiting")
reportPrint("\t\t- Sending exit command")
i = rootProc.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF])
reportAssert(i != 0, "Time-Out.... exiting")
self.rootProc = None
reportPrint("\t\t- Root Process Destroyed")
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