Daemon management

Fredrik Tolf fredrik at dolda2000.com
Tue Dec 27 16:46:27 EST 2011

On Wed, 28 Dec 2011, Lie Ryan wrote:
> On 12/27/2011 12:43 PM, Fredrik Tolf wrote:
>> [...]
> This is possible through the use of a debugger. I've never used it, but I 
> heard good thing of winpdb which has remote debugging. (http://winpdb.org/)

Thanks, but not as long as the debugger freezes the program it attaches 

> Another tool that I've never used is rconsole, part of rfoo library, which 
> appears to be similar to pdm; it is also intended for the same kind of 
> problem, managing long-running-processes/daemons.

Interesting. That does sound very similar to what I wanted, so it's kind 
of a shame that I didn't find it. If anything, it seems that PDM is a bit 
more flexible in that it can handle limited references to remote 
objects, event notifications from the server to the client, and has better 
support for handling both TCP and Unix sockets (the rconsole script, for 
instance, seems to lack support for connecting to Unix sockets), so I 
guess my time wasn't wasted.


Fredrik Tolf

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