Python education survey
Rick Johnson
rantingrickjohnson at
Tue Dec 27 21:42:05 EST 2011
On Dec 27, 8:21 pm, Tim Chase <python.l... at> wrote:
> I'm glad you're open to learning more about English as "used to"
> is perfectly acceptable according to the World English Dictionary[1]
> [...]
> May you be found better for learning and come to give others the
> benefit of the doubt.
I don't care what ANY dictionary says. Much less a "world" dictionary.
I don't validate or invalidate a word based on some phony baloney
group of pseudo intellectuals who decided one to day that writing a
dictionary "might be cool". I am against these words and phrases
because we already have words that work just fine. Why rock the boat?
Why would you use a word like "hard" (which describes the physical
properties of a tangible object), to describe how "difficult" a task
may be? If you insist on this lunacy, then why not use "soft" to
describe how easy a task may be? Seems ridiculous now, huh?
Garbage Verbiage Translator:
Used to -> previously|before
Supposed to -> required|expected
Use to -> accustomed|acquainted
Right (OOC) -> Correct
Hard (OOC) -> Difficult
Pretty (OOC) -> very
This is group has the most dumbest smart people i have ever met!
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