hayesjdno3 at
Mon Feb 14 04:06:59 EST 2011
i think i got it. my dirlist wasn't the right way to go, i needed to
iterate thu what oswalk was giving me in dirs, and files. not
bruteforce strip to a string. i have been starting at an early version
and a later version for the last 4 hours or so, and i think i have it
this only handles the folders. i wanted to try out the logic before i
doubled up and parsed files too. substitute this in for the backup
function. and for now the source and destination functions are in this
to. ill clean it up once i test it more.
backupdir = os.path.join(homedir, "backup")
remotedir = os.path.join(homedir, "backup2")
weekstr = "week"+str(week)
remotedirweek = os.path.join(remotedir, weekstr)
for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(backupdir):
print "current path is : ",path
print "current dir is : ",dirs
print "current files are: ",files
for fname in dirs:
leftover = os.getcwd().replace(backupdir, '')
print "leftover is:",leftover
print "remotedirweek is:",remotedirweek
currentdir1 = remotedirweek+leftover
if not os.path.isdir(currentdir1):
print "currentdir1:",currentdir1
print "i should copy teh
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