[Tutor] Accessing query results html frame :The solution
karim.liateni at free.fr
Wed Feb 16 02:40:28 EST 2011
On 02/14/2011 01:41 PM, Karim wrote:
> Hello,
> As I get no response from the tutor python list, I am continuing to
> investigate my problem.
> In fact the issue is that there are 2 forms in the interactive page
> and my request does nothing
> instead I get the interactive page not the submission I asked (query
> results). The 2 forms are:
> 1. <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="/ddts/ddts_main"
> ENCTYPE="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" NAME="form1">
> 2. <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="/ddts/ddts_main"
> ENCTYPE="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" NAME="form9">
> And the parameters for each are:
> 1)
> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="init" VALUE="">
> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LastForm" VALUE="SavedQuery">
> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="NextForm" VALUE="">
> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="REMOTE_USER" VALUE="karim.liateni">
> <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="ACTION" VALUE="Query">
> <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="ACTION" VALUE="Report">
> <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="ACTION" VALUE="Edit">
> <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="ACTION" VALUE="Delete">
> <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="ACTION" VALUE="Create"
> ONCLICK="oncreate()">
> <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="ACTION" VALUE="Create String Query">
> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME=".cgifields" VALUE="personalQuery">
> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME=".cgifields" VALUE="sharedQuery">
> 2)
> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="LastForm" VALUE="DumpBug">
> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="REMOTE_USER" VALUE="karim.liateni">
> <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="bug_id" VALUE="" SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=10>
> <INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME=".submit" VALUE="View">
> And I recall my data of the progam below:
> data = {
> 'init' : "",
> 'LastForm': "SavedQuery",
> 'prompted': "yes",
> 'class': "Development",
> 'personalQuery': "DKPV",
> 'REMOTE_USER': username,
> 'QS': " -p DKPVALIDATION_PLUGIN \(Class 'isequal'
> "Development" \)",
> 'use_field_defs':"false",
> 'QueryName': "DKPV",
> 'QueryType': "personal",
> 'ACTION': "Query"
> }
> So the question is how could I specify the correct FORM submission and
> how could I chose the correct action because
> there are several TYPE='submit' and I am only interested by this one
> VALUE="Query"?
> Regards
> Karim
> On 02/11/2011 08:51 AM, Karim wrote:
>> Hello,
>> In fact as found in the net:
>> "The concept of browser frames is completely outside the scope of
>> HTTP. However, browser frames are defined in HTML, and so is the
>> target property on form elements: <form action="/somescript?x=y"
>> method="POST" target="_top"> This will make the form submit to the
>> _top frame, which means "use the full browser window" "
>> That means that my post form:
>> <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="/ddts/ddts_main"
>> ENCTYPE="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" TARGET="rightframe">
>> has a target property to make the submit to the 'rightframe'.
>> Any ideas how I can modified the code (I think the request data or
>> whatever) below to access without knowing the temporary html file
>> name generically.
>> Regards
>> Karim
>> On 02/10/2011 07:12 PM, Karim wrote:
>>> Hello All,
>>> I get from Steven an very useful link (void space) for http
>>> authentication. I added some codes to be
>>> able to POST FORM a query as I do it by clicking a query button to
>>> get a list of bug Id on a server.
>>> The problem is I get a html page which refers 2 frames. And I am
>>> interesting in one particular frame
>>> namely for example,
>>> http://{server}:{port}/wt/tmp/results:karim.liateni.31_3917.html'.format(server=server,
>>> port=port).
>>> But this pages is created every times in a tmp directory each time
>>> with a different name.
>>> 1) How can I get the name of this page because with python the page
>>> resulting of my query is not mentionned (hidden like)?
>>> Interactively there are 3 frames but only this one is of interest
>>> for me. But no name of this page is visible in the main html page.
>>> Is there a method to get all the nested frames locations?
>>> 2) I can see this page interactively when I click on a submit query
>>> button. Do I need to add 'ACTION': "Query" <input form
>>> in the query dictionnary to simulate a click for submission
>>> (type="submit" button) ?
>>> 3) Interactively I see that cgi arg NextForm is empty so I let it
>>> like that in my query and LastForm was set to "SavedQuery". I put the
>>> same value in my python code. Is this ok?
>>> import urllib
>>> import urllib2
>>> server='dummy.com'
>>> port='8081'
>>> username = 'karim.liateni'
>>> password = 'dummy_pass'
>>> theurl =
>>> 'http://{server}:{port}/ddts/ddts_main'.format(server=server,
>>> port=port)
>>> #theurl =
>>> 'http://{server}:{port}:8081/wt/tmp/results:karim.liateni.31_3917.html'.format(server=server,
>>> port=port)
>>> #MEMO:
>>> #<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="/ddts/ddts_main"
>>> ENCTYPE="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" TARGET="rightframe">
>>> data = {
>>> 'NextForm': "",
>>> 'LastForm': "SavedQuery",
>>> 'prompted': "yes",
>>> 'class': "Development",
>>> 'personalQuery': "DKPV",
>>> 'REMOTE_USER': username,
>>> 'QS': " -p DKPVALIDATION_PLUGIN \(Class 'isequal'
>>> "Development" \)",
>>> 'use_field_defs':"false",
>>> 'QueryName': "DKPV",
>>> 'QueryType': "personal",
>>> 'ACTION': "Query"
>>> }
>>> query = urllib.urlencode(data)
>>> request = urllib2.Request(theurl, query)
>>> passman = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
>>> passman.add_password(None, theurl, username, password)
>>> authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passman)
>>> opener = urllib2.build_opener(authhandler)
>>> urllib2.install_opener(opener)
>>> pagehandle = urllib2.urlopen(request)
>>> print(pagehandle.read())
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>> Tutor maillist - Tutor at python.org
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The solution to handle multiple post forms in a same web page and to
submit a given one programmatically is
to use this very must have module ClientForm from
"http://wwwsearch.sourceforge.net/ClientForm" and maintained by John J.Lee
Example from this module:
response =
forms = ClientForm.ParseResponse(response, backwards_compat=False)
form = forms[0]
print form
# set html widget value
form["comments"] = "Thanks, Gisle"
#Controls are html widgets (Listbox, checkbutton, combobox, etc ...)
print "parmesan" in [item.name for item in
form.find_control("cheeses").items if item.selected]
# select item labelled "Mozzarella" in control with id "chz" as the same
with a mouse-click:
form.find_control(id="chz").get(label="Mozzarella").selected = True
# submit the form returns a urllib2.Request object
new_request = form.click()
new_response = urllib2.urlopen(new_request)
This is a very handy and easy module!
For whom it mays concern.
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