Python subprocesses experience mysterious delay in receiving stdin EOF
Yang Zhang
yanghatespam at
Sat Feb 19 01:15:01 EST 2011
After way too much time, I figured it out, after a quote from [this
jumped out at me:
> See the "I/O on Pipes and FIFOs" section of pipe(7) ("man 7 pipe")
> "If all file descriptors referring to the write end of a pipe have
> been closed, then an attempt to read(2) from the pipe will see
> end-of-file (read(2) will return 0)."
I should've known this, but it never occurred to me - had nothing to
do with Python in particular. What was happening was: the subprocesses
were getting forked with open (writer) file descriptors to each
others' pipes. As long as there are open writer file descriptors to a
pipe, readers won't see EOF.
p1=Popen(..., stdin=PIPE, ...) # creates a pipe the parent process
can write to
p2=Popen(...) # inherits the writer FD - as long as p2 exists, p1
won't see EOF
Turns out there's a `close_fds` parameter to `Popen`, so the solution
is to pass `close_fds=True`. All simple and obvious in hindsight, but
still managed to cost at least a couple eyeballs good chunks of time.
On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 11:52 PM, Yang Zhang <yanghatespam at> wrote:
> Anybody else see this issue?
> On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 10:37 AM, Yang Zhang <yanghatespam at> wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 12:28 AM, Jean-Michel Pichavant
>> <jeanmichel at> wrote:
>>> Yang Zhang wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 11:01 AM, MRAB <python at> wrote:
>>>>> On 09/02/2011 01:59, Yang Zhang wrote:
>>>>>> I reduced a problem I was seeing in my application down into the
>>>>>> following test case. In this code, a parent process concurrently
>>>>>> spawns 2 (you can spawn more) subprocesses that read a big message
>>>>>> from the parent over stdin, sleep for 5 seconds, and write something
>>>>>> back. However, there's unexpected waiting happening somewhere, causing
>>>>>> the code to complete in 10 seconds instead of the expected 5.
>>>>>> If you set `verbose=True`, you can see that the straggling subprocess
>>>>>> is receiving most of the messages, then waiting for the last chunk of
>>>>>> 3 chars---it's not detecting that the pipe has been closed.
>>>>>> Furthermore, if I simply don't do anything with the second process
>>>>>> (`doreturn=True`), the first process will *never* see the EOF.
>>>>>> Any ideas what's happening? Further down is some example output.
>>>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>>>> from subprocess import *
>>>>>> from threading import *
>>>>>> from time import *
>>>>>> from traceback import *
>>>>>> import sys
>>>>>> verbose = False
>>>>>> doreturn = False
>>>>>> msg = (20*4096+3)*'a'
>>>>>> def elapsed(): return '%7.3f' % (time() - start)
>>>>>> if sys.argv[1:]:
>>>>>> start = float(sys.argv[2])
>>>>>> if verbose:
>>>>>> for chunk in iter(lambda:, ''):
>>>>>> print>> sys.stderr, '..', time(), sys.argv[1], 'read',
>>>>>> len(chunk)
>>>>>> else:
>>>>>> print>> sys.stderr, elapsed(), '..', sys.argv[1], 'done reading'
>>>>>> sleep(5)
>>>>>> print msg
>>>>>> else:
>>>>>> start = time()
>>>>>> def go(i):
>>>>>> print elapsed(), i, 'starting'
>>>>>> p = Popen(['python','',str(i), str(start)],
>>>>>> stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
>>>>>> if doreturn and i == 1: return
>>>>>> print elapsed(), i, 'writing'
>>>>>> p.stdin.write(msg)
>>>>>> print elapsed(), i, 'closing'
>>>>>> p.stdin.close()
>>>>>> print elapsed(), i, 'reading'
>>>>>> print elapsed(), i, 'done'
>>>>>> ts = [Thread(target=go, args=(i,)) for i in xrange(2)]
>>>>>> for t in ts: t.start()
>>>>>> for t in ts: t.join()
>>>>>> Example output:
>>>>>> 0.001 0 starting
>>>>>> 0.003 1 starting
>>>>>> 0.005 0 writing
>>>>>> 0.016 1 writing
>>>>>> 0.093 0 closing
>>>>>> 0.093 0 reading
>>>>>> 0.094 1 closing
>>>>>> 0.094 1 reading
>>>>>> 0.098 .. 1 done reading
>>>>>> 5.103 1 done
>>>>>> 5.108 .. 0 done reading
>>>>>> 10.113 0 done
>>>>> I changed 'python' to the path of python.exe and '' to its
>>>>> full path and tried it with Python 2.7 on Windows XP Pro. It worked as
>>>>> expected.
>>>> Good point - I didn't specify that I'm seeing this on Linux (Ubuntu
>>>> 10.04's Python 2.6).
>>> python 0.000 0 starting
>>> 0.026 0 writing
>>> 0.026 0 closing
>>> 0.026 0 reading
>>> 0.029 .. 0 done reading
>>> 0.030 1 starting
>>> 0.038 1 writing
>>> 0.058 1 closing
>>> 0.058 1 reading
>>> 0.061 .. 1 done reading
>>> 5.026 0 done
>>> 5.061 1 done
>>> on debian lenny (Python 2.5)
>>> JM
>> FWIW, this is consistently reproduce-able across all the Ubuntu 10.04s
>> I've tried. You may need to increase the message size so that it's
>> large enough for your system.
>> --
>> Yang Zhang
> --
> Yang Zhang
Yang Zhang
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