default argument in method
devplayer at
Sat Jan 1 01:43:46 EST 2011
I agree with you Steven that the OP should avoid __getattribute__ and
the like for many a thing. I also agree with your last statement. I
try to answer the OP's question without much "You shouldn't do this's
and don't do that's". I trust them to make thier own decisions. I'd
say "A much better solution..." is the way I like to say it.
The last solution you offered I find I use more often now as I like to
set my function with default values for which I call set-and-forget
function parms/args where using None is what allows my functions to
know what is changing (or not).
# for example
def logger(parm1, parm2=None):
if not hasattr(myfunc.parm2_default):
if parm2:
myfunc.parm2_default = parm2
myfunc.parm2_default = CONSOLE
if not parm2:
parmTwo = myfunc.parm2_default
parmTwo = parm2
# do something
log = logger(gui_frame, GUI) # an inaccurate example
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