After C++, what with Python?

Paul Rubin at nospam.invalid
Sun Jan 16 03:53:20 EST 2011

Tim Harig <usernet at> writes:
> Those who are concerned about performance should check out Go.
> Garbage collection, duck typing, and compiles to a native binary.
> It creates a great middle ground between C++ and Python.  Any C and/or
> Python programmer will feel right at home with the language.  It is
> still a young language; but, I have been using it for some useful things.

Go has some nice aspects but it is much lower level than Python.  If you
want a statically typed, compiled language closer to Python's level, I
know of some projects that have switched from Python to Ocaml.  If you
want dynamic types, I guess there's Dylan, Lisp, or possibly Erlang.
There is also Haskell, but I think using it takes a much different
mind-set than Python usually brings out.

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