[ANN] Oktest 0.6.0 released - a new-style testing library
Makoto Kuwata
kwa at kuwata-lab.com
Sat Jan 22 21:00:43 EST 2011
Hi all,
I released Oktest 0.6.0.
Oktest is a new-style testing library for Python.
from oktest import ok
ok (x) > 0 # same as assert_(x > 0)
ok (s) == 'foo' # same as assertEqual(s, 'foo')
ok (s) != 'foo' # same as assertNotEqual(s, 'foo')
ok (f).raises(ValueError) # same as assertRaises(ValueError, f)
ok (u'foo').is_a(unicode) # same as assert_(isinstance(u'foo', unicode))
not_ok (u'foo').is_a(int) # same as assert_(not isinstance(u'foo', int))
ok ('A.txt').is_file() # same as assert_(os.path.isfile('A.txt'))
not_ok ('A.txt').is_dir() # same as assert_(not os.path.isdir('A.txt'))
See http://packages.python.org/Oktest/ for details.
NOTICE!! Oktest is a young project and specification may change in the future.
New features in this release
Oktest supports Tracer class which can be mock or stub of function or method.
Example to create fake object::
## create fake objects
from oktest.tracer import Tracer
tr = Tracer()
foo = tr.fake_obj(m1=100, m2=200) # method name and return-value
bar = tr.fake_obj(m3=lambda self, x: x+1) # method name and body
## call fake methods
ok (bar.m3(0)) == 1
ok (foo.m2(1,2,3)) == 200 # any argument can be passed
ok (foo.m1(x=123)) == 100 # any argument can be passed
## check results
ok (repr(tr[0])) == 'm3(0) #=> 1'
ok (repr(tr[1])) == 'm2(1, 2, 3) #=> 200'
ok (repr(tr[2])) == 'm1(x=123) #=> 100'
There are several ways to check results::
from oktest.tracer import Tracer
tr = Tracer()
obj = tr.fake_obj(meth=9)
ok (obj.meth(1, 2, x=3)) == 9
## check results
ok (repr(tr[0])) == 'meth(1, 2, x=3) #=> 9'
## or
ok (tr[0].list()) == [obj, 'meth', (1, 2), {'x': 3}, 9]
## or
ok (tr[0]) == [obj, 'meth', (1, 2), {'x': 3}, 9]
## or
ok (tr[0].receiver).is_(obj)
ok (tr[0].name) == 'meth'
ok (tr[0].args) == (1, 2)
ok (tr[0].kwargs) == {'x': 3}
ok (tr[0].ret) == 9
Example to trace method call::
class Foo(object):
def m1(self, x):
return x + 1
def m2(self, y):
return y + 1
obj = Foo()
## trace methods
from oktest.tracer import Tracer
tr = Tracer()
def dummy(original_func, *args, **kwargs):
#return original_func(*args, **kwargs)
return 100
tr.fake_method(obj, m1=dummy, m2=200)
## call methods
ok (obj.m1(1)) == 100
ok (obj.m2(2)) == 200
## check results
ok (tr[0]) == [obj, 'm1', (1,), {}, 100]
ok (tr[1]) == [obj, 'm2', (2,), {}, 200]
Example to trace function call::
def f(x):
return x+1
def g(y):
return f(y+1) + 1
## trace functions
from oktest.tracer import Tracer
tr = Tracer()
f = tr.trace_func(f)
g = tr.trace_func(g)
## call functions
ok (g(0)) == 3
## check results
ok (tr[0]) == [None, 'g', (0,), {}, 3]
ok (tr[1]) == [None, 'f', (1,), {}, 2]
Example to fake method call::
class Foo(object):
def m1(self, x):
return x + 1
def m2(self, y):
return y + 1
obj = Foo()
## fake methods
from oktest.tracer import Tracer
tr = Tracer()
def dummy(original_func, *args, **kwargs):
#return original_func(*args, **kwargs)
return 100
tr.fake_method(obj, m1=dummy, m2=200)
## call method
ok (obj.m1(1)) == 100
ok (obj.m2(2)) == 200
## check results
ok (tr[0]) == [obj, 'm1', (1,), {}, 100]
ok (tr[1]) == [obj, 'm2', (2,), {}, 200]
Example to fake function call::
def f(x):
return x*2
## fake a function
def dummy(original_func, x):
#return original_func(x)
return 'x=%s' % repr(x)
from oktest.tracer import Tracer
tr = Tracer()
f = tr.fake_func(f, dummy)
## call function
ok (f(3)) == 'x=3'
## check results
ok (tr[0]) == [None, 'f', (3,), {}, 'x=3']
Have a nice weekend!
makoto kuwata
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