Rewriting __getattr__
kost BebiX
kost-bebix at
Fri Jan 7 08:54:37 EST 2011
You're absolutely right! Now try to do except Keyerror: raise AttributeError and it will also fail. But why?
07.01.2011, 15:45, "Jean-Michel Pichavant" <jeanmichel at>:
> kost BebiX wrote:
>> Hi everyone!
>> I just saw a bug (?) in bson.dbref:DBRef.__getattr__
>> Here's they're code:
>> def __getattr__(self, key):
>> return self.__kwargs[key]
>> And when you do copy.deepcopy on that object it will raise you KeyError. So here's a small piece of code that reproduces the problem:
> from
> About __getattr__
> "This method should return the (computed) attribute value or raise an
> AttributeError
> <>
> exception."
> The code you provided raises a KeyError thus methods such as 'getattr'
> will fail as they expect an AttributeError exception.
> JM
> --
jabber: kost-bebix at
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