unbalanced tree iteration issue
kost BebiX
k.bx at ya.ru
Fri Jan 14 08:26:59 EST 2011
14.01.2011, 14:15, "Alex Boyko" <alex.kyrish at gmail.com>:
> Dear All!
> I have deal with large unbalanced trees and I have to implement post-order tree traversal. My first attempt is shown below ("Node" and "Tree" classes) and based on recursive generators approach.
> class Node():
> def __init__(self,value):
> self.childs = []
> self.value = value
> class Tree():
> def __init__(self, root):
> self.root = root
> self.numberCells = 1
> def add(self, node, child):
> node.childs.append(child)
> self.numberCells+=1
> def __iter__(self):
> return self.postorder(self.root)
> def postorder(self, node):
> if node:
> for child in node.childs:
> for n in self.postorder(child):
> yield n
> yield node
> It works fine for small test trees. But, my tree has approximately 300000 nodes, and shown post order traversal with generators takes 80 sec against 1 sec with simple recursive routine:
> def recursiveFromTop(node):
> for child in node.childs:
> recursiveFromTop(child)
> ## here I can do some computations with current node's data
> So, I'd like to know how should I implement (if it's possible of course) __iter__ for my tree class based on recursion without generators? Please, can You show me the ways?
> because I'm very passionate in idea iterate through my tree with simple:
> for node in tree:
> do something with node
> Thanks in Advance!
> Best Regards!
> Alex
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
Well, I think it's actually because the difference is that you would not do yielding, you would just put everything in memory and then return it.
ret_val = [x for x in self.postorder(child)]
return ret_val + [self]
or something like that (but beware of memory). But that's strange. This code works fast:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
def w(s):
sys.stdout.write("%s" % s)
class Node():
__slots__ = ('childs', 'value',)
def __init__(self, value):
self.childs = []
self.value = value
def post_order(self):
for child in self.childs:
yield child
yield self
def build_tree():
def append_1000_childs(node):
for i in xrange(20):
def append_n_levels(node, levels=1):
if levels >= 1:
if levels > 1:
for child in node.childs:
append_n_levels(child, levels - 1)
root = Node(10)
append_n_levels(root, 5)
return root
if __name__ == '__main__':
from datetime import datetime
w("building tree...")
_t = datetime.now()
root = build_tree()
w(datetime.now() - _t)
w("doing generator post_order...")
_t = datetime.now()
for item in root.post_order():
fake = item.value
w(datetime.now() - _t)
def post_order(root):
for child in root.childs:
fake = item.value
w("doing non-generator post_order...")
_t = datetime.now()
w(datetime.now() - _t)
$ python postorder.py
building tree...done
doing generator post_order...done
doing non-generator post_order...done
jabber: k.bx at ya.ru
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