move to end, in Python 3.2 Really?
rantingrick at
Tue Jan 18 13:33:45 EST 2011
On Jan 18, 11:56 am, Antoine Pitrou <solip... at> wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Jan 2011 09:10:48 -0800 (PST)
> rantingrick <rantingr... at> wrote:
> > Well don't get wrong i want to join in --not that i have all the
> > solutions--
> Take a look at
Thanks for this link Antoine however i think you missed the point of
my post. What i would like to see is an forum where the "noob" to
"average" python programmer can voice his/her opinion about the
current state or future state of Pythons syntax, stdlib, goals and
dreams, etc, al the while not fearing attack from all sides. Currently
such a place is non-existent. I believe many folks would get involved
if this "place" existed however it does not exist. I also believe that
these same folks have no interest in "debating" in the highly
competitive environmental of python-dev, python-ideas. Heck, even is far too competitive! They just basically want a forum were
they can come in and give their two cents and leave. would be a good place for this to happen since "after
all" Usenet was created for like-minded people to collaborate in
lively discussion. However has a problem with criminals. We
need to bring these "predators", "bullies", and "brow beaters" under
control. I have seen many new voices come in and then get crucified by
these scoundrels causing them to quickly "tuck tail" and run for cover
--never to return again-- and nobody says a word!!!! And anyone who
dares to speak out is threatened with the kill-file. This group has
been handed over to the criminals who's only concern is chaos and
anarchy all the while making sure that they control the speech and
content herein.
Now don't get me wrong we have a lot of good people here but they are
too fearful to speak up. Sadly these folks don't realize that by
staying quiet they only embolden the criminals to do more dastardly
deeds. These criminals are cowards by nature, and when presented with
a united front they will themselves "tuck tail" and run for the hills
never to return.
I am not saying we cannot have lively discussion, or even use the
occasional sarcastic quip. No, what i am saying is that we need hear
all sides of the argument. Remember this is a community of many
different people wanting many different things. We must be willing to
first listen, and then compromise on all sides -- if we want to move
Ask not...
What is best for me?
Instead ask yourself...
What is best for the entire community?
So the moral is... either we need to take back (by force if
needed!) or we need to abandon and open a more friendly
environment for Python discussions. Either way if this "forum" is not
taken seriously by the "elite" then it will be yet another
catastrophic failure!
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