Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!
patty at
Tue Jan 18 20:39:43 EST 2011
----- Original Message -----
From: "Corey Richardson" <kb1pkl at>
To: <python-list at>
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!
> On 01/18/2011 07:53 PM, rantingrick wrote:
>> On Jan 18, 6:23 pm, Adam Skutt <ask... at> wrote:
>> [snip]
>> Adam, it is now evident that your view of the world is, at best, a
>> superficial one. You are shallow and incapable of any coherent
>> abstract reasoning abilities. I genuinely hope this is due to some
>> emotional distress you are suffering and not a chronic condition,
>> because if not, you need to give some deep mediative thoughts to how
>> you are perceiving the world around you to heal your mind of this
>> improper processing. Being argumentative just for the sake of being
>> argumentative is a never ending cycle of foolishness. Now, at some
>> point earlier you had begin to display some coherency and insights. I
>> sure hope that behavior will return soon..?
> Because insulting others is completely how things get done. As to the
> button/hyperlink, they may both share some common functionality and even
> a common ancestor, they are different beings, otherwise they wouldn't be
> two separate things. It may even be that a hyperlink is a type of
> button, but that doesn't make a button a hyperlink. (Plant/tree,
> rectangle/square type deal).
> I for one am quite pleased with Tkinter up to this point. It allowed me
> to come in with extremely minimal GUI experience, and make something
> that worked with minimal effort. It was simple to understand, no
> concepts of slots and signals to learn. A project I'm working on
> requires PyQt, so I use PyQt. Is the fact that it's not in the stdlib a
> detriment? No. I think Tkinter _should_ be in the stdlib because it's
> simple. If something else were to take it's place I would hope that it
> is as easy to learn/use as Tkinter is.
> But I think this whole thread has gotten off topic. Why should Tkinter
> be replaced? Why was it added there in the first place? What should
> replace it, and why? Instead of arguing about little piddly details like
> the difference between a button and a hyperlink, just stick to the task
> at hand that you yourself presented.
> My two cents,
> ~Corey
> --
I agree with Corey - I also had very little experience with creating a GUI
and using Tkinter combined with PIL plus a little help from various docs
and getting a couple questions answered, I was pleased to find that it
required very few actual lines of code to create a basic small window and
display text and pictures that I am happy with and I am sure I can use this
small module as a base to expand on if I want to.
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