WxPython versus Tkinter.
rustompmody at gmail.com
Sun Jan 23 05:18:34 EST 2011
On Jan 23, 5:07 am, rantingrick <rantingr... at gmail.com> wrote:
> WxPython versus Tkinter (A code battle to the death!)
> by Rick Johnson.
> I have in many threads declared that Tkinter (and TclTk) is currently
> --and has been for a decade-- the wrong choice for Python's stdlib
> GUI. Throughout the 90's Tkinter was fine. However we have been in the
> 21st century for more than a decade and Tkinter is no longer relevant.
> Many people have argued (weakly) that Tkinter is still valid. However
> their arguments have been mostly baseless opinions that sadly lack
> vision for the future.
> In this thread i intend to slay my enemies with cold hard facts based
> on code. It is time to put your code where your mouth is (or you
> foot). This will be an open challenge to *anyone* in this community,
> in the world, and *even* the great Guido van Rossum himself! It is now
> time for you (python community) to prove the worth of Tkinter or
> accept its demise at my hands!
> Some of you may think this sounds like an impossible challenge. How
> can one man defend his position against the entire world! Yes, it
> would seem impossible for one man to face an entire community in open
> challenge! And in most cases only a fool would challenge the world.
> However, i have not one ounce of fear within me while facing these
> odds because my position is the correct position. My position is based
> on facts and NOT friendship, truth and NOT tantrums, and finally
> vision NOT vengance! I am on the correct side of history!
> It is time to prove once and for all how dated and worthless Tkinter
> is compared to wxPython. Yes, WxPython is not as advanced as i would
> like it to be for a 21st century GUI library. However compared to
> Tkinter, Wx is light years ahead! Wx is our best hope to move Python
> into the 21st century.
> So now is the time for all you naysayers, trolls, and minions to face
> me in mortal combat within the arena of truth and righteousness. Ready
> your minds and wield your text editors for we shall battle for the
> glory of Python! And when i have slayed the fools with their own
> foolishness then ye all shall be enlightened!
> ---------------------------------------
> Challenge 1: (Simple Directory Viewer)
> ---------------------------------------
> Create a simple Directory Viewer GUI. You CANNOT use a treectrl! The
> point of this challenge is to show that Tkinter has no support for a
> true ListCtrl widget. However the Wx::ListCtrl is fully featured! For
> wxPython the code is simply wielding a few built in classes. For
> Tkinter no such ListCtrl functionality exists. You CAN create the
> functionality yourself (and i know this because i HAVE created it!)
> however it involves tons of work and still can't hold a candle to the
> wx::ListCtrl
> ---------------
> Requirements:
> ---------------
> How the user navigates to a folder is not important but you must
> display the list of files/folders in two view modes with icons;
> 1. Display files in both ReportView and ListView.
> * Reportview:
> ...scrollable vertical list with three columns.
> * Listview:
> ...scrollable horizontal-ly wrapping list.
> Note: If you do not understand the view modes just run my code for an
> example. But the user must be able to switch between these two modes
> easily. How the switching is done is unimportant -- I simply used two
> buttons.
> 2. Columns
> * Minimum of three cols; Name, Size, and Type (reportview).
> * the "Name" column must include an icon AND label (both views).
> * columns must be sortable by the user (reportview).
> * columns must be sizable by the user (reportview).
> 3. Items
> * All must be editable in place (no popup editing allowed!).
> * All items must be selectable/deselectable by user.
> * All items must be delete-able by the user.
> That is the challenge. Step forth and battle if you can!
> -----------------
> WxPython code:
> -----------------
> https://sites.google.com/site/thefutureofpython/home/code-challenges
> I await any challengers...
Tried the code with debian sid and default python (2.6)
I get (after some loading... statements)
Segmentation fault
[Actually this is the first time in my 10 years of python that Ive
seen a pure python module segfault :-) ]
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