WxPython versus Tkinter.
bryan.oakley at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 08:16:12 EST 2011
On Jan 23, 7:33 pm, rantingrick <rantingr... at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jan 23, 7:16 pm, Kevin Walzer <k... at codebykevin.com> wrote:
> > On 1/23/11 8:12 PM, rantingrick wrote:
> > > The only way i can respond to this is to quite the requirements for my
> > > challenge...
> > > ---------------------------------------
> > > Challenge 1: (Simple Directory Viewer)
> > > ---------------------------------------
> > > Create a simple Directory Viewer GUI. You CANNOT use a treectrl!
> > > Any questions?
> > Why not?
> > I'd understand if this code made use of some Tk extension, as that's not
> > quite an apples-to-apples comparison. But the treectrl is part of the
> > core Tkinter widget set.
> Well wxPython ha a treectrl too. And if we were comparing apples to
> apples then we would compare the wx.TreeCtrl to the Tk::TreeCtrl.
> However there are many things that a ListCtrl can do that a treectrl
> can't. The biggest difference.... COLUMNS
> > There's no reason to exclude it (Tk::TreeCtrl) unless you are
> > deliberately trying to handicap Tk in your comparison.
> I am not handicapping TclTk. They already did that themselves by
> refusing to keep up with 21st century GUI libraries. Sure, you can
> say Tkinter is a knife and wxPython is an AK47 but who's to blame when
> you bring a knife to gun fight Kevin? Switch to wx and enjoy the
> bloodbath.
"switch to wx and enjoy the bloodbath"
That has *got* to be quote-of-the-week material. Sometimes when I've
spent a day wrestling with wxPython I do indeed feel like I've been in
a bloodbath!
(I'm not picking on wxPython per se -- it's what I'm using for my
current project -- just that the analogy was perhaps a bit more on
target than rantingrick intended :-)
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