WxPython versus Tkinter.
rantingrick at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 09:15:55 EST 2011
On Jan 24, 6:33 am, Bryan <bryan.oak... at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think I'm qualified, though I guess only you can tell me if I
> measure up to your standards.
Go on...
> I have 15 years or so of tk development,
> though admittedly mostly with Tcl. Most recently I've spent about the
> past year and a half with wxPython.
A year and a half and you are still producing buggy code? (you
yourself admitted this!)
> For what it's worth, I am the only
> person on stackoverflow.com with the "tkinter" badge, which only means
> I've answered a bunch of questions on tkinter that others find
> helpful, nothing more.
Well could we see a link to a few answered questions or get your nick
so we can corroborate this statement ourselves?
> No offense, but your challenge is worthless, and your own entry in the
> challenge is remarkably weak.
First rule when given a challenge you cannot answer due to ignorance:
question the validity of the challenge.
> About the only thing you've proven is
> that wxPython has some built-in widgets that tkinter does not have,
Well this is ONLY the first challenge Bryan. More will come. However,
not until someone has the balls to answer my first challenge.
> and that wxPython makes it hard to do cross-platform development.
I don't think that is completely accurate Bryan. Harder than Tkinter,
yes. Anything else is hyperbole.
> Does
> that surprise anyone? I'll give you a challenge: create a vector
> graphics program.
Answer my challenge first, then we talk. And obviously you do not
understand the power of wx's Open Graphics Library (OGL). You'd better
go check that out before you stick your Tkinter loving foot into your
big mouth.
> wxPython doesn't have anything that can compare to
> the ease of use and power of tkinter's canvas.
Thats more uninformed BS. You are really hurting your public image
here bryan!
> What does that prove?
> Only that tkinter has widgets wxPython does not. I don't think that
> will come as news to anyone. I could easily come up with other
> challenges where tkinter shines and wxPython falls flat on its face,
And these challenges are what? You see when you make empty challenges
like this you look dumb.
> What's really amusing is that your program segfaults on linux yet is
> supposed to show wxPython superiority.
Segfault or not wx is superior.
> In my 15-20 years of tk
> development, you know how many segfaults I've seen? Approximately
> zero.
> Maybe there was one or two there somewhere,
Ah yes, the old conscience catches up fast to the habitual liars.
> I don't know for
> certain.
Finally some truth!
> wxPython? It segfaults on me on a weekly basis (literally,
> thats not hyperbole).
In my experience, segfaults with wxPython aren't daily, but they are
pretty much weekly. There are weeks that can go by without them
> Which is the better toolkit? Fortunately for
> wxPython, the segfaults are mostly due to coding errors
Yea, ya think?
> For the most part they don't happen once I
> release the code.
And yet you cannot offer a solution for this segfault. Interesting.
> All your challenges are going to prove is what we already know: both
> toolkits have strengths and weaknesses, and neither is perfect.
And sadly that IS ALL you know. More fruits must be weighed in this
decision. Like the fact that Tkinter is legacy and wxPython is current
> I'll
> choose the tkinter binding event handling over wxPython any day of the
> week and twice on Sundays.
So will i. We should change the wxPython API!
> It is _clearly_ and _by_far_ superior in
> every way.
True. We should change the wxPython API!
> In fact, of the dozen or so toolkits I've used extensively
> over the last 20+ years, nothing comes close to the power of tkinter
> bindtags.
*yawn*. Guido's advocate!
> The same can be said about tkinter's pack, place and grid geometry
> managers over wxPython's sizers.
Agreed! We should change the wxPython API!
> Does that make tkinter better? No, just easier to use
> to do layout.
Agreed! Because if we were really smart we would just change the
wxPython API so that we have the simplicity of Tkinter and the feature
richness of wxPython. See wax for ideas...
> Ultimately you can do pretty much the same thing with
> wxPython, just with more (and, arguably, less readable) code.
Wrong. You can do much much more with wxPython. The ugliness of the
code depends on the coders ability to create good or bad code.
> On the other hand, wxPython clearly has more widgets. Some are very
> useful for very common tasks, such as file and image browsers.
and spreadsheets, and validated input, and multi-choice directory
choosing, and multi choice lists, and Rich Text, and book controls,
and Calendars, and Toolbars, and full image support, and masked edit
controls, and scrolled panels, and styled text, and print support, and
listctrl, and virtual listctrl and editable list ctrl, and REAL
DND ,and GC, and GLCanvas, and JoyStick, and OGL, and shaped windows,
and more, more, more...
> wxPython has the nice ability to draw on top of any widget, and the
> aui library shows a lot of promise. I spend a little less of my time
> "rolling my own" with wxPython.
You will always spend less time rolling in wxPython.
> If you're doing a programmers editor it's hard to beat (and hard to
> program!) the styledtextctrl available with wxPython. It has features
> unique to coding editors that the tkinter text editor does not. That
> being said, the tkinter text editor is a marvel of simplicity and
> power. A project I'm doing now with a very specialized editor would be
> orders of magnitude easier to do with tkinter's text widget.
Which do you want, simplistic confinement or expansive elegance. You
can't have both. And besides. One could easily create a simplistic
"Tkinter like" textbox API using wxPython. You lack vision Bryan. We
can bring all this into reality!
> It would be hard (but not impossible, by any
> stretch) for me to duplicate your code.
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