WxPython versus Tkinter.
Alexander Kapps
alex.kapps at web.de
Mon Jan 24 19:37:18 EST 2011
There are two completely different issues here:
1. Tyler's/Octavian's very valid (but AFAICT now somewhat
over-expressed) point that Tk/Tkinter isn't accessible.
I accept this, but don't see any point against Tk(inter) in this per
se. Tk(inter) could be advanced to support screen readers and such.
2. RR's aggressive, insulting, self-praising war against Tk(inter)
(which, IIRC, he ones praised)
I *really* don't understand why RR gets so much attention. He has
(massively!) insulted everybody around, has shown his low knowledge
and understanding, his selfish and arrogant behaviour, etc.
As I see it, please don't fall trap when RR now supports the
accessible issue. I'm quite sure, that he just misuses that.
Now that Godwin has been called, let me say also this:
Check some earlier posts of RR (especially unicode related, but also
his whole "command structure", "leader", "one for all", etc stuff)
and it should be clear who is the izan. (*)
Wake me, if RR is chased out of town and we can start a real
discussion about the future of Python GUIs and accessibility.
I'm German and I just *KNOW* what to think about people who accuse
random opponents as aniz. Our politicians do that quite regularly
and the *ONLY* aim behind this is plain and simply to discredit the
opponent when the arguments run out.
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