WxPython versus Tkinter.
Octavian Rasnita
orasnita at gmail.com
Tue Jan 25 14:24:55 EST 2011
From: "Nicholas Devenish" <misnomer at gmail.com>
> I can't speak for everyone (I don't have that presumption), but to me,
> given the two data points, you are certainly coming across as more
> level-headed, and thus representative. Octavians posts sound more and
> more like rantingricks as time goes on, which is not a good thing.
Can you tell why? Because you probably don't care about those who can't use the programs made with Tkinter or because you consider the discrimination something normal, right?
And you said that it is not a good thing. Good thing for whom? For the blind people Tkinter is the worst thing possible. Or do you want to say that it is not true?
> This entire debate is silly, anyway; wx is doing perfectly well as a
> separate, but easily installed library, and I can't forsee a situation
> where it's inclusion in the standard library would happen. Even if a
> python newbie does start with TK, learning a second GUI toolkit
> shouldn't be that much of a struggle for them.
No, it shouldn't be, but I see that you don't understand after this long thread why Tkinter should be avoided.
WxPython shouldn't be the second choice. WxPython shouldn't be the first choice or the single choice. The single choices should be always only those who don't introduce discrimination. Don't you agree with this?
Well, for the moment only WxPython doesn't include discrimination if we are talking about portable GUIs.
Please tell me if I wasn't clear enough or what you don't agree with.
> I think even more damaging to any python newcomers than choosing the
> 'wrong' gui toolkit would be stumbling across this thread whilst looking
> for a toolkit; and thinking some of the behaviour here was
> representative of the python (or wx) community as a whole, which
> couldn't be further from the truth. I know that if I had found this
> thread when looking around I would certainly have been put off of wx
> (which is the toolkit I decided on when looking around).
Why? You are not clear at all. What damage generates this thread to WxPython?
> Perhaps there is room for a balanced, adult discussion on the future of
> GUI toolkits in python; But I don't believe that this can happen here
> without substantial changes to a certain persons attitudes (or other
> peoples kill files).
The atitude that needs to be changed is the one that considerates the majority more important than a minority which is a minority because of health problems, a minority that is a minority without its will.
In my country there is a law that says that the society should adapt to the people with disabilities (and not viceversa), and that law is probably copied from the legislation of other european countries. That law is a very good one, but the problem is that nobody cares to respect it, because most of the people have Tyler's opinion.
Yes, I know, that's life, which is not right, that's faith, bla bla, but it doesn't mean that my atitude need to be changed. The atitude that needs to be changed is the one that considers the discrimination something normal and the one that considers that the disabled people should adapt to the society even though most of them can't do that because of their health problems.
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