Need GUI pop-up to edit a (unicode ?) string
rantingrick at
Wed Jan 26 02:11:27 EST 2011
On Jan 26, 12:53 am, Terry Reedy <tjre... at> wrote:
> I only see "self.wait_window(self)" in the Dialog base class and not in
> SimpleDialog, which is what I though you were talking about. It is the
> last line of Dialog.__init__.
Yes. In the module "tkSimpleDialog" the class "Dialog" is what i am
referring to. Sorry for the confusion.
> It appears that the intention is that all
> configuration be done in the body and button_box methods which are
> called earlier.
Yes exactly. And this works well most of the time. However there are
many times where you may want to create a dialog with say a Label. And
you do not want to hard code the string displayed on the label.
However you cannot change the string once you initialize the dialog
because it enters a "modal wait loop". So what i am proposing is that
we change tkSimpleDialog to be like any other modal dialogs out there.
We move the modal code into a show method and use the dialog like i
suggested. I can send you a patch if you would be interested. My patch
does break backward compatibility. However we can make it compatible
somehow. Or an alternative approach would be to create a new dialog
module and then depreciate tkSimpleDialog. Let me know on or off list
if you are interested.
> As far as I know, anything contributed to the stdlib has been licensed
> by the author to be redistributed under the Python license and can be
> patched by the developers. (This is one reason for people to not
> contribute their code to the stdlib.)
I don't understand what that means. Are you suggesting that
contributing code is bad?
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