WxPython versus Tkinter.
Octavian Rasnita
orasnita at gmail.com
Wed Jan 26 04:29:11 EST 2011
From: "rusi" <rustompmody at gmail.com>
On Jan 26, 11:18 am, "Octavian Rasnita" <orasn... at gmail.com> wrote:
> From: "rantingrick" <rantingr... at gmail.com>
> On Jan 25, 3:41 pm, Corey Richardson <kb1... at aim.com> wrote:
> > Do you honestly think he was talking about the accessibility problem?
> > IMO that should move to another thread, because this one is simply
> > about, as the subject suggests, "WxPython versus Tkinter".
> Corey again (like many) you lack a global perspective. Anybody who has
> read along with his thread knows we are covering some pretty big
> issues here. WxPython is just the vehicle. The big picture is simply:
> Tkinter is old and in many ways insufficient for 21st century GUIs. We
> need to decide what should come next. I believe wxPython is our best
> hope. Wx may not be the best it can be, but it is the best we have at
> this time. There is more than "meets the eye" Corey!
> --
> I will tell you what I think and many of you won't like this. :-)
> I think that nothing is "sufficient" and nothing should last forever.
> The people don't need Tkinter. They don't need WxPython. They don't need
> Python. Do you think that Python is a language that will be used forever?
> The people don't necessarily need to use a computer. Do you think that the
> computers as they are today will be used until the end of the time?
> The people do need to have an easier life, to make as little efforts as
> possible and to obtain as much benefit as possible and for the moment the
> computers and Python and a GUI lib help them do this, so these things are
> just some other means for obtaining what they need.
> What we don't agree is that some of the list members think that only the
> selfishness is the right ATITUDE AND SAY THAT I should change mine because
> I
> should care more about my own benefits and don't care at all about the
> others.
> Octavian
Hi Octavian,
Normally I would expect talks of selfishness etc to be too OT for a
python list.
However since nobody is saying that (yet) let me point you to a
passage from the upanishads:
Nice passage, but I think that you have also noticed that the most important
things it talks about are the closed people, the gods, the brahmana and
kshatriya, but well, in India there other chasts than brahmana and kshatriya
but only these 2 chasts of priests - the spiritual power and the military -
the force power are considered important.
The indian culture is great for many things, but it is not great when
talking about discrimination, because even now that their laws forbid the
chasts-based discrimination, many people there still believe that somebody
from brahman or kshatriya chasts have a bigger value than the others.
I don't say that those people are not right, nor that those who have the
power are not more valuable than the others right now, but I say that it is
not normal to consider this way of thinking a right way, because on the long
term this should change and there should be no privileged group.
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