WxPython versus Tkinter.
rantingrick at gmail.com
Wed Jan 26 11:45:01 EST 2011
On Jan 22, 6:07 pm, rantingrick <rantingr... at gmail.com> wrote:
> ---------------------------------------
> Challenge 1: (Simple Directory Viewer)
> ---------------------------------------
> Create a simple Directory Viewer GUI. You CANNOT use a treectrl! The
> point of this challenge is to show that Tkinter has no support for a
> true ListCtrl widget. However the Wx::ListCtrl is fully featured! For
> wxPython the code is simply wielding a few built in classes. For
> Tkinter no such ListCtrl functionality exists. You CAN create the
> functionality yourself (and i know this because i HAVE created it!)
> however it involves tons of work and still can't hold a candle to the
> wx::ListCtrl
> ---------------
> Requirements:
> ---------------
> How the user navigates to a folder is not important but you must
> display the list of files/folders in two view modes with icons;
> 1. Display files in both ReportView and ListView.
> * Reportview:
> ...scrollable vertical list with three columns.
> * Listview:
> ...scrollable horizontal-ly wrapping list.
> Note: If you do not understand the view modes just run my code for an
> example. But the user must be able to switch between these two modes
> easily. How the switching is done is unimportant -- I simply used two
> buttons.
> 2. Columns
> * Minimum of three cols; Name, Size, and Type (reportview).
> * the "Name" column must include an icon AND label (both views).
> * columns must be sortable by the user (reportview).
> * columns must be sizable by the user (reportview).
> 3. Items
> * All must be editable in place (no popup editing allowed!).
> * All items must be selectable/deselectable by user.
> * All items must be delete-able by the user.
> That is the challenge. Step forth and battle if you can!
> -----------------
> WxPython code:
> -----------------
> https://sites.google.com/site/thefutureofpython/home/code-challenges
> I await any challengers...
So we have come this far and still not one challenger. Neither can one
person admit that the wxPython ListCtrl is far superior than widget
TclTk contains. But that really does not matter now. The point is that
TclTk have grown stagnate and have been that way for many years.
Whilst Tkinter does sport a beautiful API we have no way to scale the
module because TclTk is limited. New Python programmers will start out
(like i did) with Tkinter and love its simplicity, however eventually
they will come to understand that all their spend energy writing
Tkinter has been for nothing. They will realize that Tkinter is 1990's
technology migrated into the 21st century. That is point i am making.
Some people can handle the truth. Denial is to be expected.
If you are out there and your not one of the redundant trolls who keep
parroting off and assassination my character please drop by and insert
your opinion on the value of Tkinter. Just make sure to use facts and
not emotion driven drivel. If you choose to be a troll i cannot stop
you, and i would not. However i will not respond to trollish posts
anymore. It is quite clear that a hand full of the same old folks want
to stop me at all costs -- even at the expense of their own soul.
Psst: If you notice they are not yelling about the code anymore
because it is bug free. They are only interested in spreading
discontent and not solving problems. That is a blindingly apparent
Anyway i still await a solid challenge. Either in code or in words
based on facts. Until then i will consider myself victorious by
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