Is it possible to pass CSV Reader Object As Argument to another Python File ???
mail2bansi at
Wed Jan 26 12:14:48 EST 2011
On Jan 26, 11:30 am, Emile van Sebille <em... at> wrote:
> On 1/26/2011 7:51 AM bansi said...
> > I have following two python scripts
> >
> >
> > The takes input of "memberId", "memberName" from
> > CLI and has following code snippet
> > idf = sys.argv[1]
> > namef = sys.argv[2]
> > real_script = "C:\\Splunk\\etc\\apps\\search\\bin\\"
> > r = csv.reader(sys.stdin)
> > os.execv(python_executable, [ python_executable, real_script ] +
> > sys.argv[1:] )
> > Wondering how would i pass csv reader object "r" as an argument using
> > os.execv() to another python script i.e.
> I suspect you're on the wrong path. You probably want to import
> namelookup within namelooupWrapper to use the functions it defines.
> Consider:
> [root at fcfw2 src]# cat >
> def say(what): print what
> [root at fcfw2 src]# cat >
> #!/usr/local/bin/python
> import sys
> from test1 import say
> say(sys.argv[1])
> [root at fcfw2 src]# chmod a+x
> [root at fcfw2 src]# ./ hello
> hello
> HTH,
> Emile- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
Thanks for quick response. I am not sure if "import
namelookup within namelooupWrapper" helps because they are two
independent scripts which has to be executed in sequence.
First running under Python 2.6 accept arguments
from stdin and uses csv reader object to read it i.e.
And then it has to pass csv reader object to another python script running under Python 2.7 because it uses pyodbc to
connect to database and iterates thru reader object
Any better ideas/suggestions will be greatly appreciated
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