Problems receiving arguments on a subprocess
hidura at
Wed Jan 26 20:29:24 EST 2011
The print line it doesn't print anything that's why i say is not
receiving anything.
2011/1/26, hidura at <hidura at>:
> Hello i am trying to make a subprocess that will have to send data as an
> arguments and is executing the script but don't receiving anything.
> Here is the code of the subprocess:
> car = Popen(shlex.split(self.block.getAttribute('cmd')),
> stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
> data =
> car.communicate(str("<request>"+self.extract.getByAttr(self.block, 'name',
> 'args')[0].toxml()+"</request>").encode())
> dataOut = data[0].decode()
> log = data[1].decode()
> print(dataOut)
> if car.returncode < 1:
> return dataOut.split('\n')
> else:
> print(log)
> return log
> Here is the code of the script:
> """
> Created By: hidura
> On Date: Jan 25, 2011
> """
> from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
> import os
> import sys
> class savCSS:
> """This class has to save
> the changes on the css file.
> """
> def __init__(self, args):
> document = parseString(args)
> request = document.firstChild
> address = request.getElementsByTagName('element')[0]
> newdata = request.getElementsByTagName('element')[1]
> cssfl = open("/webapps/karinapp/Suite/"+address.getAttribute('value'), 'r')
> cssData =
> cssfl.close()
> dataCSS = ''
> for child in newdata.childNodes:
> if child.nodeType == 3:
> dataCSS += child.nodeValue
> nwcssDict = {}
> for piece in dataCSS.split('}'):
> nwcssDict[piece.split('{')[0]] = piece.split('{')[1]
> cssDict = {}
> for piece in cssData.split('}'):
> cssDict[piece.split('{')[0]] = piece.split('{')[1]
> for key in nwcssDict:
> if key in cssDict == True:
> del cssDict[key]
> cssDict[key] = nwcssDict[key]
> result = ''
> for key in cssDict:
> result += key+"{"+cssDict[key]+"}"
> cssfl = open(, 'a')
> cssfl.write(result)
> cssfl.close()
> if __name__ == "__main__":
> print(
> savCSS(
> Thanks in advance
Enviado desde mi dispositivo móvil
Diego I. Hidalgo D.
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