Wrappers in python
Jean-Michel Pichavant
jeanmichel at sequans.com
Thu Jan 27 07:57:20 EST 2011
sl33k_ wrote:
> What are wrappers?
> What entities do they wrap around?
> Struggling to understand the concept.
We would need a little bit of a context to answer that question, you
could be refering to differents things.
I'll give it a try on one common usage for wrapper:
A wrapper is a python module that interface between python and a 3rd
party library offering a non python interface.
Consider Google chart api.
This is the native URL API:
pygooglechart is the python wrapper for that api, allowing you to get
the same effect, using Python objects:
from pygooglechart import PieChart3D
# Create a chart object of 250x100 pixels
chart = PieChart3D(250, 100)
# Add some data
chart.add_data([20, 10])
# Assign the labels to the pie data
chart.set_pie_labels(['Hello', 'World'])
# Print the chart URL
print chart.get_url()
Python wrapper allows users to write only python code, even when calling
non python 3rd libraries.
Another example of wrapper is pgdb. It allows you to interface with a
postgreSQL database without knowing about the native interface, you can
commit and fetch data from the database by writing python code only. Nice !
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