WxPython versus Tkinter.
rantingrick at gmail.com
Thu Jan 27 17:08:37 EST 2011
On Jan 27, 3:48 pm, Corey Richardson <kb1... at aim.com> wrote:
> On 01/27/2011 04:10 PM, rantingrick wrote:
> > On Jan 27, 2:00 pm, Terry Reedy <tjre... at udel.edu> wrote:
> >> On 1/27/2011 12:54 PM, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
> >>> Everything that's not accessible is not recommended.
> >> By you. We get that.
> >> >Tkinter should be at most accepted because there is no better solution,
> >> As I said at the beginning of this thread, tkinter is currently the only
> >> option. What would have happened if there had been a real competitor
> >> when 3.0 was being developed? What would happen in the future if one
> >> were developed? I do not think anyone really knows.
> >>> at least for Python 3, not because it is the recommended solution.
> >> AS far as I know, Guido has never recommended any particular gui and I
> >> believe he has avoided doing so when asked.
> > Yes but his silence speaks louder than words. He is saying " While i
> > won't defend Tkinter publicly, i won't promote any others as well".
> > This is a standard response you'd expect from a politician. These
> > types of questions avoid dealing with the elephant in the room.
> > We can't just assume that Tkinter is best for Python just because
> > "Guido" does not want to "ruffle" some features. Actually if you look
> > back over the very few post where Guido did offer an argument for
> > Tkinter you'll the find the argument to be very weak. And to make
> > matters worse no one has the balls to question or argue Guido. Now
> > whilst i greatly respect Guido i will not hesitate for one second to
> > call him on weak arguments.
> > Case in point: Just recently i posted one of Guido's such arguments in
> > another thread and responded to the argument. The original thread was
> > from roughly eight years ago. Yes this is how long it has been since
> > Guido offered argument for Tkinter. Does he honestly think that the
> > world has not changed significantly in eight years as to render
> > Tkinter into legacy? Does he also want us to believe that the world
> > has not changed dramatically in the last twenty years since Tkinter
> > was introduced? I have yet to get a response for his weak argument
> > eight years ago and i can expect we will hear nothing now.
> wxPython is the best and most mature cross-platform GUI toolkit, given a
> number of constraints. The only reason wxPython isn't the standard
> Python GUI toolkit is that Tkinter was there first.
> -- Guido van Rossum
You forgot to put a date on that statement. Like of all of Guido's
statements about Python they are from many, many years ago. And when i
say many years i am talking 1990's. NEWSFLASH! The world has changed,
GUI's have changed. All we have are these quotes from the 1990's to go
on and i have had enough of this silence from Guido.
Guid, SHOW YOURSELF! Come out from behind the safety and security of
python-dev. Come out and show the peasants that you are in fact still
a part of this community. Come out and walk among us. Come out and re-
join the people in united celebration of 21st century evolution. But
most of all, come out and defend those weak arguments you gave eight
years ago. Even IF we "imagine" your arguments where enough to keep
Tkinter then, how can you expect us to believe that now those
arguments still hold merit in the year 2011? It is high time for you
(Guido van Rossum) to weigh in on this discussion. The time of myths
and legends is over, the time of community is NOW! Show yourself!
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