WxPython versus Tkinter.
Christian Tismer
tismer at stackless.com
Fri Jan 28 16:53:29 EST 2011
On 1/25/11 12:04 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Jan 2011 12:24:24 -0800, Robin Dunn wrote:
>> On Jan 24, 12:03 pm, rantingrick<rantingr... at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Jan 24, 1:57 pm, Robin Dunn<ro... at alldunn.com> wrote:
>>>> BTW, on behalf of the wxPython community I'd like to apologize for
>>>> the havoc caused by the flaming troll escaping from his cage. In
>>>> general wxPython users are much less militant and zealotty and honor
>>>> everyone's freedom to choose which ever UI tool kit works the best
>>>> for their own needs.
>>> Well we forgive Byran, but we will not forget! :)
>> For the record, that is not who I was referring to.
> I don't believe that anyone in their right mind could have imagined even
> for a second that you were referring to Bryan.
As we all experienced milleniums before:
Self-criticism is the weakest, maybe totally missing
virtue of a bozo.
Which is great, because he won't recognize the irony ;-)
Christian Tismer :^)<mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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