homedir, file copy
hayesjdno3 at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 30 19:43:10 EST 2011
On Jan 30, 7:34 pm, rantingrick <rantingr... at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jan 30, 5:43 pm, ecu_jon <hayesjd... at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > ok now i get permission denied....
> [...]
> > shutil.copy (backupdir1, backupdir2)
> I must stress the importance of proper testing before ever running
> code that manipulates files! So many things can go wrong. Of course
> you are just copying files here and not deleting them however you must
> always be in the habit of treating files like explosives. And frankly
> you're being quite nonchalant with this very naive approach to coding
> and complete lack of testing.
> When handling files always test, test, test. Never actually move,
> copy, or delete until you are *absolutely* sure no failures will
> occur. I will always do test runs that print out the action but DO NOT
> actually DO the action, like...
> Copying files:
> -- from: C:\\somefile1
> to: C:\\blah\\somefile1
> -- from: C:\\somefile2
> to: C:\\blah\\somefile2
> -- from: C:\\somefile3
> to: C:\\blah\\somefile3
> -- etc...
> Once my test runs are bug free i can try to move or delete *one* file
> from some test set. Once that is bug free then i will try the code on
> many files of a test set, and ONLY THEN on the real thing. I guarantee
> if you keep manipulating files in such a haphazard way you will live
> to regret it!
not nonchalant.
i know i will ned to do testing and whatnot.
just personally, i like to build stuff one concept at a time.
for example, i had a problem with the homedir and peopel here helped
me with that.
now i have permissions problem, and an swer will likely meeerge.
once i know how to copy a file, ill work on testing. like isfile and
i know that has to be done. i guess its that you want tests before
moves , and thats fine.
since i have only ever had 1 python class, and basically learning this
whole thing from scratch, i need to do things 1 step at a time.
so now any thoughts on why i cannot write to my own homedir?
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