IDLE: A cornicopia of mediocrity and obfuscation.

Giampaolo RodolĂ  g.rodola at
Mon Jan 31 22:24:59 EST 2011

2011/1/31 rantingrick <rantingrick at>:
> In an ideal world it should be the first place you look when wanting
> to learn how to build medium sized GUI projects with the built-in
> Tkinter module.

I wouldn't do that, and thankfully in the *real* world what is
considered more important usually gets more attention.
If instead of ranting nonsense all day long you would spend a little
bit of your time by taking a look at how crowded the python bug
tracker already is, you would discover an interesting thing which goes
under the name of "priority".
High priority bugs get fixed first. IDLE source code is clearly not a
high priority issue, hence it doesn't get fixed: end of story.
Actually I don't even understand how can IDLE source code quality have
anything to do with python success or future adoption, as you implied
in your statements.
And why do you care so much anyway? You have spent the past 5 days
blabbing about how bad Tkinter is, how ugly and useless it is
nowadays, and now you suddenly care about IDLE source code quality?
Do you have any idea how ridiculous this looks from the outside?

> However the reality is ANYTHING but ideal. The code is
> rotten to the core, full of inconsistencies and just very unpythonic.

99% of the times the right answer to this statement is "go file a bug
and possibly provide a patch" but not in your case since it's clear
that you have absolutely no interest in resolving *anything*, let
alone actually write some code, assuming you're able to do so in the
first place.

>> Personally I've never looked into idlelib directory for 7 years in a row at all.
>> I was probably doing some other things, I don't know, but now I'm
>> definitively gonna start looking for a new language because it's clear
>> that any language having a directory called "idlelib" within such a
>> horrible source code is not gonna last for long.
> Well not unless we do something about it. It is high time to stop
> patching, bolting on, and future extending the suffering of this
> horrendous code base. It is time to pull the plug, let it die, and
> start fresh. Start from a real python perspective. We can learn from
> past mistakes and build something much better. But will we? Do we have
> the community spirit to take on this challenge? Do we as a community
> have any fire left or have we collectively waxed cold?

How can you possibly not understand that I was being sarcastic?

--- Giampaolo

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