urllib, urlretrieve method, how to get headers?

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Fri Jul 1 03:43:03 EDT 2011

Даниил Рыжков wrote:

> How can I get headers with urlretrieve? I want to send request and get
> headers with necessary information before I execute urlretrieve(). Or
> are there any alternatives for urlretrieve()?
It's easy to do it manually:

>>> import urllib2

Connect to website and inspect headers:

>>> f = urllib2.urlopen("http://www.python.org")
>>> f.headers["Content-Type"]

Write page content to file:

>>> with open("tmp.html", "w") as dest:
...     dest.writelines(f)

Did we get what we expected?

>>> with open("tmp.html") as f: print f.read().split("title")[1]
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