i get different answers based on run platform

MRAB python at mrabarnett.plus.com
Thu Jul 7 14:54:47 EDT 2011

On 07/07/2011 19:18, linda wrote:
> I have this simple palindrome program that yields different results
> depending on whether I run it from Windows or from IDLE.  The answer
> is correct off IDLE, but why is this the case?  Here's the code:
> def reverse(text):
>      return text[::-1]
> def is_palindrome(text):
>      return text==reverse(text)
> while True:
>      something=input('enter text:')
>      print(something)
>      print(something[::-1])
>      if (is_palindrome(something)):
>          print("yes, it is a palindrome")
>          break
>      else:
>          print("no, it is not a palindrome")
>          continue
> print ('done')
> Thanks for your help.
Try printing ascii(something) too.

There's a known bug in Python 3.2 where it leaves a training '\r', if
that's what you're using (http://bugs.python.org/issue12435), fixed in
Python 3.2.1.

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