Tkinter/py2exe with installer

John Posner jjposner at
Mon Jul 25 09:03:30 EDT 2011

On 2:59 PM, Kevin Walzer wrote:
> Can anyone point me in the direction of a Tkinter/Python app that has
> been wrapped with py2exe and is deployed on Windows as a standalone
> using one of the standard installer tools? (MSI, NSIS, Inno Setup,
> etc.) I'm working on a Tkinter app for Windows and have had a
> surprisingly hard time finding such apps to use as
> examples/benchmarks, etc. (The only one I've found, in fact, is
> Webgobbler at; a
> nice app, but I'd like more examples.)
I used Inno Setup 5.4.0(a) to create the "ClixTur" executable at

Inno Setup gives the executable an execrable name (looks like a GUID),
but it works fine.


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