a little parsing challenge ?

sln at netherlands.com sln at netherlands.com
Mon Jul 18 15:34:45 EDT 2011

On Sun, 17 Jul 2011 00:47:42 -0700 (PDT), Xah Lee <xahlee at gmail.com> wrote:

>folks, this one will be interesting one.
>the problem is to write a script that can check a dir of text files
>(and all subdirs) and reports if a file has any mismatched matching
>i hope you'll participate. Just post solution here. Thanks.

I have to hunt for a job so I'm not writing a solution for you.
Here is a thin regex framework that may get you started.



use strict;
use warnings;

 my @samples = qw(

 my $regex = qr/

  ^ (?&FileName) $


            \( (?&Content) \)
          | \{ (?&Content) \}
          | \[ (?&Content) \]
          | \“ (?&Content) \”
          | \‹ (?&Content) \›
          | \« (?&Content) \»
             # add more here ..

           (?:  (?> [^(){}\[\]“”‹›«»]+ ) # add more here ..
              | (?&Delim)


 for (@samples)
    print "$_ - ";
    if ( /$regex/ ) {
       print "passed \n";
    else {
       print "failed \n";



A98(y[(np)r]x)tp[kk]a.exeb - passed 
A98(y[(np)r]x)tp[kk]a}.exeb - failed 
A98(‹ynprx)tpk›ka.mpeg - failed 
‹A98(ynprx)tpk›ka - passed 
“A9«8(yn«pr{{[g[x].}*()+}»)tpkka».” - failed 
“A9«8(yn«pr{{[g[x].]}*()+}»)tpkka».” - passed 
“A9«8(yn«pr»)tpkka».” - passed 
“A9«8(yn«pr»)»”t(()){}[a[b[d]{}]pkka.]“«‹“**^”{[()]}›»” - passed 
“A9«8(yn«pr»)”t(()){}[a[b[d]{}]pkka.]“«‹“**^”{[()]}›»” - failed 

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