running an existing script

Ethan Furman ethan at
Tue Jun 21 15:00:39 EDT 2011

Adam Chapman wrote:
> Thanks Ethan
> No way could I have worked that out in my state of stress!
> For your second idea, would I need to type that into the python command 
> line interface (the one that looks like a DOS window?

If you are actually in a python CLI, at the top of that screen does it 
say something like

Python 2.5.4 (r254:67916, Dec 23 2008, 15:10:54) [MSC v.1310 32 bit 
(Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.


If yes, then what I wrote earlier should actually work (I downloaded 
jBoost and looked at the script).  Here it is again:

--> import os
--> os.chdir('path/to/') # don't include  ;)
--> import nfold
--> import sys
--> sys.argv = ["", "--folds=5", "",
... "--spec=spambase.spec", "--rounds=500", "--tree=ADD_ALL",
... "--generate" ]
--> nfold.main()

I fixed the sys.argv line from last time.

Good luck!


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