How can I speed up a script that iterates over a large range (600 billion)?

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Wed Jun 22 18:46:15 EDT 2011

On 6/22/2011 1:32 AM, Paul Rubin wrote:
> Terry Reedy<tjreedy at>  writes:
>> If the best C program for a problem takes 10 seconds or more, then
>> applying the same 1 minute limit to Python is insane, and contrary to
>> the promotion of good algorithm thinking.

> The Euler problems

are not the only algorithm problems posted on the web.

  > the Euler project started in 2001, when personal computers were probably
> 10x slower than they are today.

Yes, and I am still using a 2003 XP/Athlon machine, which is adequate 
for running my Python programs, though not recent games.

Terry Jan Reedy

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