How to import data from MySQL db into excel sheet

John Nagle nagle at
Thu Jun 30 14:00:15 EDT 2011

On 6/2/2011 5:11 AM, hisan wrote:
> Please let me know how can i import my sql data of multiple rows and
> columns into an excel sheet.
> here i need to adjust the column width based on the on the data that
> sits into the column

    You're asking in the wrong forum.  Try the MySQL forum or an
Excel forum.

    For a one-off job, use the MySQL Workbench, do a SELECT, click on
the floppy disk icon, and export a CSV (comma-separated value) file, 
which Excel will import.

    It's possible to link Excel directly to an SQL database; see
the Excel documentation.

    On a server, you can SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE and get a CSV file
that way, but the file is created on the machine where the database
is running, not the client machine.

    You can write a Python program to SELECT from the database and
use the CSV module to create a CSV file, but as a one-off, it's
not necessary.

					John Nagle

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