How to stop iteration
Nitin Pawar
nitinpawar432 at
Sun Jun 5 11:24:07 EDT 2011
check length of input string with if stri.len > 3
On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 8:35 PM, Ganapathy Subramanium <
sganapathy.subramanium at> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm a new bie to programming and need some assistance in this code.
> I have a function which will split the given string into 3 characters each
> and I want to achieve this by recursion.
> I have written the following code, but I don't know how to stop the
> recursion when the length of the remaining string is less than or equal to 3
> characters. Any inputs on this please?
> string = 'This is a sample python programming'
> space = 2
> final_result = []
> def strsplit(stri, spa):
> s = stri[:spa]
> final_result.append(s)
> stri = stri[spa:]
> strsplit(stri,spa)
> return final_result
> c = strsplit(string,space)
> print 'The final result is: ', c
> --
Nitin Pawar
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