What is the Most Efficient Way of Printing A Dict's Contents Out In Columns?
Terry Reedy
tjreedy at udel.edu
Tue Jun 14 12:06:18 EDT 2011
On 6/14/2011 11:29 AM, Zachary Dziura wrote:
> I have a dict that I would like to print out in a series of columns,
> rather than as a bunch of lines. Normally when you do print(dict), the
> output will look something like this:
> {'Header2': ['2', '5', '8'], 'Header3': ['3', '6', '9'], 'Header1':
> ['1', '4', '7'], 'Header4': ['10', '11', '12']}
> I can then iterate through (in this case) a list of the headers in
> order to produce something similar to this:
> Header1 = ['1', '4', '7']
> Header2 = ['2', '5', '8']
> Header3 = ['3', '6', '9']
> Header4 = ['10', '11', '12']
> What I want to know is how I can print out that information in a
> column, where the header is the first line of the column, with the
> data following underneath, like so:
> Header1 Header2 Header3 Header4
> 1 2 3 4
> 5 6 7 8
> 9 10 11 12
You did not specify how much can be assumed about the dict and built in
to the program and how much needs to be discovered with code. Assuming
that this is not homework, here is a start:
d={'Header2': ['2', '5', '8'], 'Header3': ['3', '6', '9'],
'Header1': ['1', '4', '7'], 'Header4': ['10', '11', '12']}
arr = []
for key,value in d.items():
line = ['{:>10s}'.format(key)]
for num in value:
for line in zip(*arr):
for item in line:
print(item, end='')
print() # newline
Header2 Header3 Header1 Header4
2 3 1 10
5 6 4 11
8 9 7 12
For zip(*arr) to work properly, each line of arr should have the same
length, which means that either each value of d has the same length or
that you find the max length and pad lines with blanks up to the max
length. The code above assumes the first.
If the items in each value of d are not strings, more fiddling is
needed. The printed field size is also arbitrary. It needs adjusting for
the actual max length. You might want to adjust it for each key-value
pair in the dict, which is to say, each column of the resulting table.
Terry Jan Reedy
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