Tkinter/scrollbar/canvas question

agb andrei.bogos at
Wed Jun 22 09:03:52 EDT 2011

Saul Spatz wrote:

<very helpful stuff snipped>
> You need to do the update_idletasks to force the canvas to be mapped
> before you figure out the bounding box.  Until the canvas is mapped to the
> screen, the bounding box is (0,0,1,1) so there no scrolling possible. 
> (You can call update_ideltasks through any widget.)

Many thanks--this fixed the issue.

> That said, I wonder why you're putting widgets in the frame instead of
> putting objects directly on the canvas.  The way you're doing it you can't
> use tags, which are what really give the canvas its power.

The power of canvas is not really what I'm after. What I would like is a
list of checkboxes (and, in a few other frames, several buttons); if a
scrollable frame were available in tkinter, I'd use that. While canvas is
powerful, its power is not needed for my purposes.

> Saul

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