User Authentication
Tim Golden
mail at
Thu Jun 23 12:07:56 EDT 2011
On 23/06/2011 16:07, Anurag wrote:
> My application is a web based application for both windows and Linux.
> The web part is developed using Django. So if Python does not support
> it then any support for local sytem account authentication in Django?
> I am looking for a common library for both Linux and Windows. Any help
> will be Gr8
The two systems are sufficiently different in this kind of area
that any "common library" will basically consist of code like
this (hand-wavey):
import sys
if sys.platform.startswith ("win"):
import win32security
def is_valid_user (username, password):
if win32security.LogonUser ( ... )
elif sys.platform.startswith ("linux"):
import pam
def is_valid_user (username, password):
if pam.validate_user (...)
It's possible someone's put something together already,
but I'm not aware of anything.
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