python 3 constant

Waldek M. wm at localhost.localdomain
Sat Jun 25 06:50:17 EDT 2011

Dnia Fri, 24 Jun 2011 08:00:06 +1000, Chris Angelico napisaƂ(a):
>> Yup, got the sarcasm, that's for sure.
>> But your point was...?
> That if you want something, there's usually a way to get it.
> Sometimes, giving someone what they want - or showing them how to get
> it - makes it obvious to them whether or not they really want it.
> Chris Angelico

Usually, it does. But presenting me with a fake and
obviously-not-logical-and-useful version of constants didn't really
say anything about why is having constants such a bad idea :-)
Just like presenting me with a rotten apple doesn't prove
anything general about that fruit.

I'm not into endless/pointless advocacy; I'm really curious.

And - as I've answered to someone else - I dont't *require* anyone
to change anything in the language. I just miss the feature and can't
really think of a sensible reason why it so wrong.

Best regards,

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