Interpreting Left to right?
Chris Torek
nospam at
Sat Jun 25 14:44:09 EDT 2011
x = x['huh'] = {}
which binds x to a new dictionary, then binds that dictionary's 'huh'
key to the same dictionary...)
In article <mailman.389.1308949722.1164.python-list at>
Tycho Andersen <tycho at> wrote:
>Perhaps I'm thick, but (the first thing I did was read the docs and) I
>still don't get it. From the docs:
>"An assignment statement evaluates the expression list (remember that
>this can be a single expression or a comma-separated list, the latter
>yielding a tuple) and assigns the single resulting object to each of
>the target lists, from left to right."
The "target list" in this case is, in effect:
evail("x"), eval("x['huh']")
>For a single target, it evaluates the RHS and assigns the result to
>the LHS. Thus
>x = x['foo'] = {}
>first evaluates
>x['foo'] = {}
>which should raise a NameError, since x doesn't exist yet. Where am I
>going wrong?
I believe you are still reading this as:
x = (something)
and setting aside "x" and "something", and only then peering into the
"something" and finding:
x['foo'] = {}
and -- while keeping all of the other "x = (something)" at bay, trying
to do the x['foo'] assignment.
This is the wrong way to read it!
The correct way to read it is:
- Pseudo_eval("x") and pseudo_eval("x['foo']") are both to be set
to something, so before we look any more closely at the "x" and
"x['foo']" part, we need to evaluate the "something" part.
- The "something" part is: {}, so create a dictionary. There is
no name bound to this result, but for discussion let's bind "tmp"
to it.
- Now that we have evaluated the RHS of the assignment statement
(which we are calling "tmp" even though it has no actual name),
*now* we can go eval() (sort of -- we only "evaluate" them for
assignment, rather than for current value) the pieces of the LHS.
- The first piece of the LHS is "x". Eval-ing x for assignment
gets us the as-yet-unbound "x", and we do:
x = tmp
which binds x to the new dictionary.
- The second piece of the LHS is "x['foo']". Eval-ing this for
assignment gets us the newly-bound x, naming the dictionary;
the key 'foo', a string; and now we bind x['foo'], doing:
x['foo'] = tmp
which makes the dictionary contain itself.
Again, Python's assignment statement (not expression) has the form:
<one or more "LHS =" parts, AKA "target list"> <expression-list>
and the evaluation order is, in effect and using pseudo-Python:
1. <expression-list> -- the (single) RHS
tmp = eval(<expression-list>)
2. for <LHS-part> in <target-list>: # left-to-right
<LHS-part> = tmp
When there is only one item in the <target-list> (i.e., just one
"x =" part in the whole statement), or when all of the parts of
the target-list are independent of each other and of the
<expression-list>, the order does not matter. When the parts are
interdependent, then this left-to-right order *is* important.
In-Real-Life: Chris Torek, Wind River Systems
Intel require I note that my opinions are not those of WRS or Intel
Salt Lake City, UT, USA (40°39.22'N, 111°50.29'W) +1 801 277 2603
email: gmail (figure it out)
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