ttk styles
peter.milliken at
Sun Mar 13 23:08:29 EDT 2011
Hi I'm struggling to get a good understanding of styles as used in
ttk. I have read the tutorial section on using styles but haven't been
able to solve this problem.
I am attempting to create a Checkbutton with the indicatoron=false
option. Using ttk the documentation is clear that you have to create a
custom style to achieve this behaviour. But the only "example" I have
been able to find on the Internet searches is written in Tcl i.e. here
is what I have found (quoted directly):
Here’s how you set it up: To achieve the effect of -indicatoron false,
create a new layout that doesn’t have an indicator:
style layout Toolbar.TCheckbutton {
Toolbutton.border -children {
Toolbutton.padding -children {
Then use style map and style default to control the border appearance:
style default Toolbar.TCheckbutton \
-relief flat
style map Toolbar.TCheckbutton -relief {
disabled flat
selected sunken
pressed sunken
active raised
Hopefully somebody else in this group has "done" this and can post
their "solution"?
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