exe file sends error
Şansal Birbaş
sansal.birbas at alarko-carrier.com.tr
Tue Mar 15 05:09:32 EDT 2011
I needed to create executable of my python application. Everthing was ok , but my exe file gives an error such as "unable to open database file",
When I try to add an entry to my database. My icon file is in tha same directory(data) as my database file and there is no problem about that.
Here is my setup.py:
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
from glob import glob
data_files = [("Microsoft.VC90.CRT", glob(r'c:\dev\ms-vc-runtime\*.*')),("data", glob('Veriler\*'))]
options = {
'py2exe': {
'dll_excludes': [
setup(windows=[{"script": "Nokta Ekleme.pyw","icon_resources": [(1, "Veriler\Alarko.ico")]}], options=options, data_files=data_files)
Thanks in advance.
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