required help in manual sort
Peter Otten
__peter__ at
Mon Mar 7 05:26:41 EST 2011
Manjunath N wrote:
> Hello users,
> I'm quite new to python programming. I need help in manually sorting
> a
> list which is shuffled. The problem i'm facing is with respect to last
> element in the list when checking the condition using if statement. Below
> I have pasted my code. The code is below is not yet done, at first I am
> trying
> to separate the number as lower and higher. I just need help here.
> import random, pdb
> pdb.set_trace()
> unordered=range(10)
> random.shuffle(unordered)
> ordered=[]
> print "The unordered selection of list is\n",unordered,"\n"
> unordered_len=len(unordered)
> higher=[]
> lowest=[]
> a=1
> for i in unordered:
> if i<unordered[a]:
> lowest.append(i)
> a+=1
> elif i > unordered[a]:
> higher.append(i)
> a+=1
> print "\n\n\nLowest",lowest
> print "\n\nHighest",higher
> When I run the program, I get the error message as,
> line 16, in <module>
> if i<unordered[a]:
> IndexError: list index out of range
> I know that the error is happening because when variable 'i' comes to the
> last element in the unordered list, it doesnt have anyother variable for
> checking the condition if i<unordered[a]: . But i'm not able to handle
> this condition in the code.
> So someone please help in this regards.
You are mixing values in the unordered list with indices into that list. If
you start with non-integers as values, e. g.
unordered = list("abcdefghij")
it will be easier for you to avoid the confusion.
Also, did you know that list indices start with 0, not 1?
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