Tk MouseWheel Support
python at
Thu Mar 10 15:51:15 EST 2011
On 10/03/2011 20:28, Richard Holmes wrote:
> I am trying to use the mouse wheel to scroll a list box, but I'm not
> getting the event. When I bind "<Button-1>" to the listbox I get the
> event and I'm able to scroll using yview_scroll. I've tried binding
> "MouseWheel" and"<MouseWheel>", and I've also tried"<Button-4>" and
> "<Button-5>" even though I'm using Windows (XP, if that makes a
> difference). None of these works (I'm using print to see if I got to
> an event handler, and there's no printout).
> TIA for any help!
> Dick
Google found this:
Using the Mouse Wheel with Tkinter (Python)
which I adapted to get this (tested on XP with Python 2.7):
import Tkinter as tk
def mouse_wheel(event):
dir = 0
# respond to Linux or Windows wheel event
if event.num == 5 or == -120:
dir = 1
if event.num == 4 or == 120:
dir = -1
listbox.yview_scroll(dir, "units")
root = tk.Tk()
root.title('turn mouse wheel')
root['bg'] = 'darkgreen'
# with Windows OS
root.bind("<MouseWheel>", mouse_wheel)
# with Linux OS
root.bind("<Button-4>", mouse_wheel)
root.bind("<Button-5>", mouse_wheel)
listbox = tk.Listbox(root)
for i in range(100):
listbox.insert(tk.END, str(i))
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