Don't Want Visitor To See Nuttin'
wuwei23 at
Thu Mar 10 21:00:10 EST 2011
Benjamin Kaplan <benjamin.kap... at> wrote:
> Typically, people developing web applications use a framework such as
> Django or TurboGears (or or CherryPy or any of a dozen others)
> rather than just having the CGI scripts print stuff out.
You're fighting an uphill battle with that suggestion, it's been made
many, _many_ times before:
Tim Chase wrote:
> 4) Don't be afraid to reuse existing technologies: could installing
> osCommerce on a $3/month web-server and tweaking the PHP code have sufficed
> for what you need? Could you have used Django+Satchmo to get yourself up
> and running with proven code, tweaking what you need? I remember you
> dismissing the suggestion to use existing web-frameworks.
Victor Subervi wrote:
> <sigh>
> Bringing that up again, are you? I was all but done with the shopping cart
> when you suggested I re-invent the wheel based on another technology. Yeah,
> sure, throw out 10,000 lines of the 12,000 line program so I can rebuild on
> a new technology. Brilliant, that. Thanks for the suggestion. Now, can we
> get back to my question?
> </sigh>
Once again: Victor Subervi has been crowd sourcing code for paid
projects on this list for 2-3 years now. He's made it very clear he
doesn't care about good practices, as anyone who ever engaged in the
pointless debate to get him to use bound parameters in his SQL
statements will recall.
He's comp.lang.python's version of Sisyphus. Or maybe Sisyphus'
boulder...I forget where I was going with this.
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