alphanumeric list

not1xor1 (Alessandro) " " at
Thu Mar 17 00:39:04 EDT 2011

Il 15/03/2011 09:10, yqyq22 ha scritto:

> I would like to put an alphanumeric string like this one
> EE472A86441AF2E629DE360 in a list, then iterate inside the entire
> string lenght and change each digit with a random digit.
> Do u have some suggestion? thanks a lot


I'm not an experienced python programmer but the following code should 

# you need to import the random module to get random numbers
import random

# convert the string in a list (as string are read-only)
l = list('EE472A86441AF2E629DE360')
# initialize the random generator
# index
i = 0
# loop through the characters in the list
for c in l:
     # if the current character is a digit
     if c.isdigit():
         # get a random integer in the 0-9 range
         # convert it to a string and replace the old value
         l[i] = str(random.randint(0,9))
     # increment the list index
     i +=1
# convert the modified list back to string and display it


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