email library
Ethan Furman
ethan at
Fri Mar 18 12:43:44 EDT 2011
peterob wrote:
> Im completely confinvalided from email library. When you parse email from
> file it creates object Message.
> f = open(emailFile, 'r')
> msg = email.message_from_file(f)
> f.close()
> How can I access RAW header of email represented by object msg? I dont
> wanna access each header field by hand.
> Im doing another parsing, searching for attachments and so on, with
> email, but i need write raw data of email too. Do I have to allocate
> another memory for that emailFile? (by mmap or f=open(rawemail).
For the ultimate in raw, open the email file and parse it manually.
Your other option is use msg.walk() and msg.items() and walk through the
returned (header, value) pairs.
--> import email
--> msg = email.message_from_file(open(r'c:\temp2\latest_dbf.eml'))
--> from pprint import pprint as pp
--> for sub in msg.walk():
... pp(sub.items())
[('Return-path', '<someone at somewhere.invalid>'),
('Envelope-to', 'someone at somewhere.invalid'),
('Delivery-date', 'Mon, 07 Mar 2011 18:32:18 -0600'),
'from [] (port=2728 helo=[])\n\tby with esmtpa (Exim 4.69)\n\t(envelope-from
<someone at somewhere.invalid>)\n\tid
1PwkqN-0001eV-54\n\tfor someone at somewhere.invalid; Mon, 07 Mar 2011
18:32:16 -0600'),
('Message-ID', '<4D757B80.9020001 at somewhere.invalid>'),
('Date', 'Mon, 07 Mar 2011 16:42:40 -0800'),
('From', 'First Last <someone at somewhere.invalid>'),
('User-Agent', 'Thunderbird (Windows/20070221)'),
('MIME-Version', '1.0'),
('To', 'First Last <someone at somewhere.invalid>'),
('Subject', 'latest dbf'),
'multipart/mixed;\n boundary="------------010408020108000602070901"')]
[('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed'),
('Content-Transfer-Encoding', '7bit')]
[('Content-Type', 'text/plain;\n name=""'),
('Content-Transfer-Encoding', '7bit'),
('Content-Disposition', 'inline;\n filename=""')]
[('Content-Type', 'application/x-zip-compressed;\n name=""'),
('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'base64'),
('Content-Disposition', 'inline;\n filename=""')]
Hope this helps!
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