Free Software University - Python Certificate - In reply to Noah Hall
Lloyd Hardy
info at
Sun Mar 27 07:15:24 EDT 2011
> 1) Perhaps Noah Hall is not my real name, nor the name I used to sign up. ;)
> 2) Perhaps I have multiple email addresses.
> 3) Regardless, it is still offers little, IMO ;)
> 4) As you have been for quite some time, yet little seems to change.
> 5) Most interesting.
Dear [Python List Member of Unknown Identity],
Please do not email me off-list. I do not know your identity and would
not like to directly correspond with you in private. Your comments about
my project were in public and I would prefer if your responses were also.
I _know_ that you are not registered under any name or email address
from your response - as you would have known about 5) already... all
registered users do! ;) So, you are making comments about something you
have never been a part of, have no time to be involved in and have no
intention of trying... not the most qualified review, if you don't mind
me saying :)
Secondly, if you do use various names and email addresses and play
'maybe this is my identity' games, we really don't want you in the FSU -
as you are not an honest person - our work is based on the integrity of
the faculty and students.
> (I mean, free education is always good),
While the courses will be gratis, it is not about gratis education, it's
about _libre_ education - something you could learn in the FSC :)
> I don't have the time required to get involved.
Which is why it takes time to get such a project rolling... and 'little
seems to change' - everyone is busy - jobs, family, etc.. but they have
been giving some small time - 15 minutes or an hour a week, which is why
the project is not dead. So, as you are in the same position, perhaps
you can forgive them - as you understand their position so well? Many
Free Software and Open Source projects have been successful, not because
all contributors have endless amounts of time to devote, but because
many contributors keep giving, continuously, steadily, with commitment.
They are not deterred by individuals who come along, with no knowledge
of the subject (Free Software, as you have displayed with your comment
about graitis education), no experience (you were not registered as you
would have already known about the FSC starting date) and make negative,
cynical comments.
I wish you well with any projects you start that are designed to give
back to the Free Software community and hope that you are also not
deterred by nay-sayers! :)
FSU Founder
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