delete namespaces

Tim Chase python.list at
Tue Mar 29 21:41:28 EDT 2011

On 03/29/2011 08:14 PM, monkeys paw wrote:
> How do i delete a module namespace once it has been imported?
> I use
> import banner
> Then i make a modification to When i import it again,
> the new changes are not reflected. Is there a global variable i can
> modify?

Delete it from sys.modules:

 >>> file('', 'w').write('x = 42\n')
 >>> import foo
 >>> foo.x
 >>> del foo
 >>> import sys
 >>> del sys.modules['foo']
 >>> file('', 'w').write('x = 999\n')
 >>> import foo
 >>> foo.x

Beware that if you still have old references to the module, they 
don't get refreshed.


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